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I’ll just dive into it.

I was sexually assaulted at 17, left home and the church at 18 and was diagnosed with epilepsy at 20. I am now 23 and the seizures are getting worse. A long lost friend contacted me today and told me she also had seizures (almost the same story really) and suffered from multiple personalities as well until she had the demons in her cast out and she’s been seizure free since (over a year). What she said made a lot of sense, could I have unclean spirits causing this?




Dear Becca,

If you were my daughter, I would suggest that you get a Priesthood blessing, see a medical doctor and get a therapist. The Priesthood blessing would most likely answer your question about demons.  I could be wrong, but I don’t think that is the answer for you.

If you had a broken leg, you would get a blessing and then go to the hospital.  This is no different.  Yes, I believe the Lord could heal you instantly as He healed the lepers and blind men of His time, but He won’t.  Sometimes that still happens today, but other times He doesn’t because doing so would rob you of the growth that can come from working through these issues with Him at your side.   Terrible things happen in this world sometimes, but Christ can use them to make us better than we were before we were wounded.   So please, get a blessing, see a medical doctor and see a therapist.  Pray throughout the process.

My two favorite talks on this subject (or related) are LIke a Broken Vessel by Elder Holland

And Cheiko Okasaki’s talk on Healing from Sexual Abuse






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