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Dear Gramps,

I can not have children due to ovarian Cancer, is it right for me to still marry?

Fiona, from the United Kingdom

Dear Fiona,

It certainly is all right to marry, although you may not be able to have children, if you can find a young man worthy of you. If you are not able to bear your own children, you could adopt. There are many, many children who are left without parents a very early ages. Unless they are adopted into good homes their chances of living successful, productive lives are very thin.

Also, of infinitely greater importance in the overall scheme of things, if you and your spouse are faithful members of the Mormon Church, you may go to one of the Lord’s holy temples and be sealed together as husband wife for not only the duration of your mortal lives, but for all eternity. No other individuals who live on the earth will have the privilege of a family relationship in the eternities. In the first place, the marriage vow that they take has, as a part of the vow, a built-in divorce. The person who authorizes the marriage, whether priest, minister or civil agent, invariably pronounces something to the effect that the marriage is valid “for the duration of your mortal lives,” or “until death do you part.” When those conditions are fulfilled, the marriage is legally terminated. How sad!!


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