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Dear Gramps,

I’ll be getting my endowments this week (convert 2.5 years ago). I’ve heard that we’re supposed to wear them at night while sleeping as well and that one of the future temple recommend questions will be whether or not we wear our garments day and night. I hate sleeping in a shirt, it drives me nuts. And I really enjoy being able to cuddle with my wife all night long feeling our skin touching. Is it really so bad to take them off while I sleep?





I think most members who wear the garments can sympathize with your concern rather easily. The good news is that there are a wide variety of fabrics to choose from when you buy your garments, and samples are available as well. Many of the fabrics are very lightweight. After a week or so, you’ll barely notice them.

You can even try different sizes to adjust the fit you prefer. Some people like the garment to be form-fitting, and others prefer a looser fit.

As to wearing them at night, again, many converts who now wear the garments can probably relate very well. I understand this is a serious issue in your mind, and one of the ways to address it is to ask yourself some questions.

How important is the temple?

How important are the covenants made in the temple?

What are the blessings we can receive through those covenants?

Do these blessings outweigh the inconvenience in wearing the garment at night?

Speaking for myself, I had to adjust to wearing the garments day and night as well. It did take some time to get used to, but now I don’t even think about it at all. In fact, when I go swimming or go to the doctor (times that it’s appropriate to leave the garment at home) I feel a little odd, like something is missing.

The most important aspect of wearing the garment is found in why we’re asked to wear it in the first place. The garment is intended to be a daily reminder of the covenants we make in the temple. It also serves to help us remember the peaceful spirit we feel while in the temple.

I hope you also discuss this with your wife (just in case you haven’t already) and also making it a matter of personal prayer will help you find the resolution you seek. Ultimately this is strictly between you and Heavenly Father, so take this note for what it is, sincere advice, and seek the spirit in finding your answers.

Finally, congratulations on getting to the temple. As you do so for the first time and every time after that, you will gain spiritual guidance and strength for your marriage and family that you never imagined.


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