Dear Gramps,
During a prayer when I was 15 an evil spirit came into my room, stood next to my bed and hovered over me for what felt like an hour. It made me frozen in fear, I felt all hot and sweaty, my heart racing. I tried raising my hand to the square to tell it to go away but I just couldn’t move. Since then there have been 3 other circumstances while not praying where they’ve taunted me. I’m 22 now and I still fear praying out loud because I’m scared they’ll come back. How do Iovercome the fear of them and what can I do to get rid of them when they taunt me? Do you have to be 100% worthy in order for raising your hand to the square to work? Does Heavenly Father still hear me if I pray in my mind?
Heavenly Father knows our minds and hearts already. When we pray, we are given the chance to specify what is most important to us at that moment. Silent prayers are just as valid as spoken prayers, but there is a difference in my experience. When we think, our mind can jump through a dozen issues in a moment. In silent prayers, I often catch my mind wandering to issues that don’t really merit a prayer, such as needing to do laundry, or wondering if the car needs an oil change soon.
When we pray vocally, we are more focused in what the prayer is about. It’s easier for me to keep my prayer on matters that really require help from Heavenly Father. It’s also easier to express gratitude for the blessings he has given me.
Asking someone to be with you as you pray a few times will help. Inviting some priesthood holders such as your home teachers is also very helpful. Often times, Satan will interfere with our communication with Heavenly Father however he can. He also tried to stop Joseph Smith from completing his prayer just before Joseph experienced the First Vision, so you’re not alone in this, nor is this the first time Satan has done it.
You can also ask for a priesthood blessing from your father, or other trusted priesthood holder. The most important thing to remember is that Heavenly Father knows what is happening and he wants to help. Use the resources he has given you to get through. Once you do feel at peace praying out loud alone, you will feel the spirit more and more.