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The young man was shot in the head by a drug dealer. As far as we know he was not a church member any where. How is he to be saved?


Dear Laura,

You ask a question that has been asked for ages. “What happens to those that die before they learned of Christ. Before they had a chance to accept him?” Most Christan group shake there heads and say they don’t know, but they trust that God is both loving and fair and will take care of things.

Mormon-ChristThe Mormon church takes this idea and expands on it. We say to a point, that we do know how God is going to do this. That there is a space of time between a persons death and the judgement of God. Within this space of time the spirits of the dead can still learn of the Savior and accept him as Christ. We are promised that those that didn’t get the chance in this life will get it in the hereafter.

Of course this is just making sure everyone has a good chance. The young man or anyone else still has to make that choice for themselves once offered.


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