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Dear Gramps,
I think my husband may have been molested as a child by a family friend. I know that at least his sister was and my mother-in-law doesn’t believe her. When this man died his wife told my husband she was sorry. She did not say for what. I have always wondered if my husband was hurt. We have been married now for 13 years, we have no children, and not much of a romantic life although I can’t imagine being with anyone else. We have a great marriage except for the bedroom area. I have kind of hinted around at the issue but he’s always denied anything happened. Is this something I should pursue or is there some signs that would be present. I don’t want to talk to my family, although very LDS and we don’t talk about things like that. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. I can’t see to find anything that helps with what to do.
Christy, from Blackfoot, Idaho

Dear Christy,
If indeed your husband may have been molested, he may fear your rejection if you were to know about it, hence his silence. Perhaps the best thing that you could do would be to never bring the subject up, but just be loving and supportive, as I’m sure you are. In truth there would be no point in bringing up the past, as it is unchangeably gone. Even the Savior lets it go—
Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more (D&C 58:42-43).

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