I have been reading a lot about the problems with energy drinks out there and the high amounts of caffeine in them. I drink a shake in the morning from a mix. The ingredients at the bottom say that this contains a natural caffeine. I called the company that makes this and they said the natural caffeine is from organic guarana. Can you tell me if this caffeine is really a natural source or as bad as the caffeine we see in energy drinks?
In doing some research regarding guarana, I learned that it is native to the Amazon basin and very common in Brasil. It contains about twice the amount of caffeine as found in coffee beans. While some have found it to be an effective stimulant not only for cognitive functions but for weight loss, there have not been enough studies on it to show what effect or risk it would have regarding heart attacks or strokes.
So while I’m not an expert on caffeine, I’d like to offer you a different perspective to your question.
In keeping with the guidance of the Word of Wisdom, we should not become ‘addicted’ to any substance. If you can’t get through the day without having a shake, then I suggest that the shake could be bad for you. If you can’t get through the day without a cheeseburger, then you shouldn’t have cheeseburgers.
We need to take good care of our bodies, but we don’t need others to decide every little thing for us. I myself, drink a cola every now and then. I’ve had an energy drink on occasion as well. But I don’t have cravings when I go without them for a period of time. I might want one, but that’s not the same as having cravings or going through withdrawals.
Let’s also not forget all the “do’s” in the Word of Wisdom. Have lots of grains, fruits and vegetables. Eat meat sparingly. (Okay, I can really get into a large rack of beef ribs.)
Make good choices. Try out the shakes. If you get “the shakes” (pun intended), then you should probably give up the shake mix as it might not be good for you.