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Hello Gramps

Can you please tell me what happens to the money that results from tithing in the UK? Is it kept in the UK in whole or in part to be used by the Church for UK expenditure?





Dear David,

All tithing donations are to be transmitted directly to Church Headquarters.  The Council on the Disposition of the Tithes, composed of the First Presidency, the Quorum of the Twelve and the Presiding Bishopric, have been given the responsibility to determine how these sacred funds are to be disbursed.  This council makes these decisions as they are inspired to do so by the Lord.  The Lord instructed Joseph Smith on this in D&C 120:1

Verily, thus saith the Lord, the time is now come, that it shall be disposed of by a council, composed of the First Presidency of my Church, and of the bishop and his council, and by my high council; and by mine own voice unto them, saith the Lord. Even so. Amen.

Tithing funds are always used for the Lord’s purposes—to build and maintain temples and meetinghouses, to sustain missionary work,  to educate Church members, and to carry on the work of the Lord throughout the world.  These funds are sacred and care is given as to how they are expended.  In April Conference each year there is a report from the Church Auditing Department verifying that after receiving the Council’s authorization, Church departments have expended funds consistent with approved budgets and in accordance with Church policies and procedures.

In some areas/countries of the world, tithing funds collected within that area, are not sufficient to cover all the expenditures authorized by the Council for that area.  The actual funds collected may remain in that area to cover authorized expenditures.  In areas where there is a shortage, funds would be transmitted from Church Headquarters.  The Church does not report on where tithing collected does not cover authorized expenditures so it would be impossible to determine the situation in the  United Kingdom.  It takes a large amount of funds to maintain Temples, Churches and other buildings located there, as well as funding missionary and other Church programs.

The important thing to remember is that the expenditure of tithing funds are carefully watched and controlled.  Anyone having been in leadership positions is well aware of this.   Great blessings have been promised to those who pay their tithing faithfully.  Many testimonies have been given where the windows of heaven have been opened and blessings poured out to the faithful tithe payers.






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