Where can I find out how scripture reading can help me with seminary?
Dear Jincy,
What do you mean, “where can I find out?” The fact is so obvious that you don’t need to look anywhere. Perhaps you could ask yourself a couple of questions.
Why do I go to seminary? Depending on your answer to this question, you will find an answer to your original question.
A. Because my mom makes me.– Reading the scriptures won’t help me much.
A. Because that’s what all the other kids do.– Reading the scriptures won’t help me much.
A. Because I want to learn about the gospel.– The teachings of the gospel are found primarily in the scriptures. It is essential to know the scriptures to understand the gospel.
A. Because I want to increase my testimony.– A testimony is a gift to those who exercise faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ. We learn about the life and teachings of the Savior principally through the scriptures. It is essential to know the scriptures to understand who the Savior is and to learn about the infinite blessings associated with the great atoning sacrifice.
What do I want to get out of seminary? Depending on your answer to this question, you will find an answer to your original question.
A. Recognition by my peers as being one of the guys.– Reading the scriptures won’t help you much.
A. Acceptance by a certain girl who goes to seminary.– Reading the scriptures won’t help you much.
A. Recognition for never having missed a seminary class during all of high school.– Reading the scriptures won’t help you much.
A. A deeper understanding of the principles of the gospel.– The teachings of the gospel are found primarily in the scriptures. It is essential to know the scriptures to understand the gospel.
A. In increase in my testimony that Jesus is indeed the Savior and Redeemer of the world.– A testimony is a gift to those who exercise faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ. We learn about the life and teachings of the Savior principally through the scriptures. It is essential to know the scriptures to understand who the Savior is and to learn about the infinite blessings associated with the great atoning sacrifice
A. I want to prepare myself as best I can to be worthy and ready to serve the Lord as a missionary.– A thorough understanding of the scriptures will make it possible for the Lord to reveal to you how to help others accept the gospel, by bringing to your mind scriptural references that will help convince the investigator of the truth.