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In light of today’s news regarding Kate Kelly’s (Ordain Women) excommunication, do you think that it was too harsh?  I felt like she was only questioning and sharing her opinion.  What do you think?






The news of anyone being excommunicated is always sad.  Now whether I should speculate as to whether the local leaders who had to make this tough decision were wrong or too harsh is not for me to say.  They are the ones that hold stewardship over her.  I don’t.  They are the ones that have the information that brought them to this decision. I’m sure this decision was not easy nor did they take it lightly and it was done with much prayer and fasting.

At the same time I can say this.  There is nothing wrong with questioning or having an opinion.  I think we have all questioned at one time or another. And we definitely all have opinions regarding something.  The bottom line of this issue was how it was carried out.  One should never recruit others to join your side in an issue that is contrary to the teachings of the gospel.  One should never cause others to have a shaking or wavering of faith because of this.  That’s where I think the real issue lies.

I wish her well and hope that she will one day be restored with all of the blessings of the gospel.






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