Aug 23, 2015 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Premortal Life
Question Gramps, Have you ever read anything discussing if a pre-existent spirit needed to do or did do anything to qualify being born in the covenant? Dennis Answer Dear Dennis, While there is much we do not know about our pre mortal life, we do...
Jul 27, 2015 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Premortal Life, Sexual Issues
Question Gramps, I have been a member of the LDS church all my life and believe the doctrine stating that our spirits had a gender before we became mortal. I find myself pondering the possibility of an imperfectly gendered body. Hermaphrodites exist, and...
Apr 10, 2015 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Premortal Life
Question Gramps, Does our life in the premortal world determine our family? I was raised by a single mother and never met my father. There has been abuse in my family for several generations. I was not able to become pregnant. My temple marriage ended in...
Oct 26, 2014 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Premortal Life
Question Gramps, Did we have any say in what kind of circumstances we would be born into on this Earth in the premortal life? Seems unfair to me if it wasn’t that way. Sojourner Answer Dear Sojourner, First, let me say categorically that we...
Aug 18, 2014 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Premortal Life
Question Dear Gramps, Were there covenants and ordinances made in the premortal life?Marco Answer Marco, I believe that there are indeed covenants that can be made in the premortal life. A number of latter-day prophets and apostles have implied...
Apr 30, 2014 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Premortal Life
Question Gramps, Did we choose or agree to our earthly circumstances?C Brady Answer C Brady. The concept of whether or not we were able to choose/agree to our earthly circumstances is highly debated by members of the Church. The reason this...
Apr 9, 2014 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Premortal Life
Question Gramps, Why didn’t 1/3 part of God’s children accept God’s plan of salvation? What was the main reason they followed Satan? Raja Answer Raja, This is an excellent question, I believe,any person who has read the scriptures will or has...
Feb 18, 2014 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Premortal Life
Question Dear Gramps, I really appreciate the time and effort you put in answers all those questions. And I again want to thank you on behalf of all those thousands and thousands who I know are following your answers almost on a daily basis. I have been...
Nov 22, 2013 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Premortal Life
Question Gramps, I have read and heard from a couple of people that when God created us spiritually we were created with another spirit of the opposite sex. So for example when God created me (me being a male) he created a female. The scripture they use is...
Nov 18, 2013 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Life's Lessons, Premortal Life
Question Gramps, Thanks for all the knowledge you share in your answers. I am wondering how effective can we consider our agency was in premortal life. I mean, how effective is our agency if we just needed to elect to choose or not the Father’s plan ? Did...