

Dear Gramps, I’m 17 years old and know who I’m going to marry. He’s 17 also and my boyfriend now. I love him with all my heart but people attack us saying that high school relationships never last. But I know he’s the one. I’ve prayed multiple times about it and...
Staying with my boyfriend

Staying with my boyfriend

I moved in with my boyfriend 7 years ago when I wasn’t living for God, but we planned on getting married within the year. However, I got very sick and now have sever heart/lung problems. My doctor and several persons at my support group said we should not get...
Confused in Love

Confused in Love

HI, I am a 29 year old guy who was in love with a 28 year old gal. She said she loved me a lot. I too liked her a lot. Her parents approved but my parents didnt and due to this all of a sudden she got engaged to another guy even without giving me time to convince my...
Confused in Love

Sexless Marriage

There is much written about and included in talks regarding sexual promiscuity and pornography. Rarely is the topic of a sexless marriage addressed. Physical intimacy helps bind a marriage and without it usually one of the partners suffers. I don’t want to spend...
Sexual relations within marriage

Eternal Marriage and Exaltation

There is a high probability that my husband will fall away from the church before we are able to be sealed this summer. He very simply has no desire to seek a testimony. I have heard that if we are never sealed, I might have the opportunity to be joined to a worthy...
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